
27/02/2022 by Kvaser

Kvaser’s February 2022 Software Release


There are no major updates within this release, but noteworthy changes include:

Python CANlib package (v1.20.360):
Python 3.10 is now officially supported and documentation has been extended. New validation of bus parameter limits has been added, allowing developers to validate bus parameters when using BusParamsTq.

N.b. The updated documentation can be viewed online at

Kvaser Drivers for Windows and CANlib SDK (v5.38):
The representation of ‘time’ has been clarified in the documentation. Timestamps can be set at microsecond and millisecond intervals.

The handling of database files has been enhanced, with new error handling for invalid int signals in database files.

Kvaser Linux driver and SDK (v5.38):
The same changes for Windows (see above) are available in Linux. In addition, fixes were made to accommodate newer kernels such as the one used in Ubuntu 21.10.

Kvaser mhydra firmware (Memorator 2nd gen., U100, USBcan) (v3.26.108):
Second-generation Memorator devices using t programs will benefit from a bug fix to canWrite which stalled after buffering 1000 CAN messages due to no acknowledgement being received.