
02/10/2018 by Kvaser

Kvaser Software Release September 2018: Continued Python and Linux updates

Kvaser’s latest software release continues to expand Kvaser’s Python and Linux resources.

Notable changes and additions include:

Python canlib package (pycanlib): Continuous improvements and additions, such as event count estimation, script status and an API to access information about reader formats.

Kvaser Driver for Windows SDK (kvlclib): Adds an API to access information about reader formats and compatibility with the MDF .log input format.

Kvaser Linux driver and SDK (canlib): Clock behaviour differs in Windows and Linux. Kvaser has changed the default clock behaviour in Linux to automatically reset at ‘buson’, in the same way as Windows. The clock reset feature is useful when conducting experiments in which timing will be compared. However, if you would prefer Linux’ old clock behaviour, you can choose to override it.

For the full release notes, click here.

All files are available for download now on the Kvaser Downloads page.