
20/01/2015 by Kvaser

ATI India speeds delivery of Kvaser interfaces

Confirming the popularity of Kvaser’s Leaf Light v2 interface, ATI India has announced that it is now holding stock of the device, with plans to stock a wider range of products, such as Leaf Professional, USBcan Professional and Memorator Professional as demand for these products increases from local customers. Commenting on the decision, Ansarulla Shariff, ATI India Sales Manager said: “The Leaf Light v2 is Kvaser’s best-selling product. With lead times becoming increasingly important to Indian customers, this decision will help to ensure quick delivery and avoid the potential disappointment caused by customs delays.” The ATI India office, which has just celebrated its first birthday, is located in the silicon valley of India – Bangalore. The area is home to many major automotive OEMs such as Volvo, Toyota, General Motors and Mahindra Reva.