
12/12/2019 by Kvaser

New Video Course: Get up and running with the Kvaser DIN Rail SE400S-X10

Kvaser has produced a short video course on our newly-released Kvaser DIN Rail SE400S-X10, a powerful DIN-Rail mounted four-channel Ethernet to CAN/CAN FD interface with support for digital, analog and relay add-on modules.

Designed as a complement to the information in the User Guide (available from the Downloads page), this guide will get you up and running quickly on the Kvaser DIN Rail SE400s-X10. The material covers the correct connections, power, and the latest firmware.

This course can be completed in half an hour and makes an ideal introduction to Kvaserโ€™s new format CAN interfaces for rack-mounted systems.

Whatโ€™s included:

Part 1 & 2: Introduction to DIN Rail, Definitions
Part 3: Hardware
Part 4: Firmware update
Part 5: Checking firmware (using a t-script file, provided).
Part 6: Connecting power
Part 7: First start up of Kvaser SE400

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