CAN FD Data Acquisition & Visualization with MATLAB & Kvaser Hardware.

MathWorks and Kvaser are hosting a joint webinar to support customers using MATLABโ€™s Vehicle Network Toolbox to transition to CAN FD.

This webinar will walk through the challenges of migrating to CAN FD, showing how to leverage the technology using MathWorksโ€™ Vehicle Network Toolbox and Kvaser hardware. The presenters will introduce the basic concepts of CAN FD, compare classical CAN to CAN FD and show how to decode and visualise CAN FD signals, with a demonstration of the new MATLAB features for CAN FD.

The 1-hour session, designed for engineers working at the software level, will be co-presented by Jaremy Pyle, Development Manager, Automotive Connectivity at MathWorks and Kent Lennartsson, Research Manager at Kvaser AB.