EAN: 73-30130-00567-9

Kvaser Eagle

$2,327.00 USD

EAN: 73-30130-00567-9

Kvaser Eagle

$2,327.00 USD

NOTE: The Kvaser Eagle (73-30130-00567-9) has been marked "End of Life".  Existing customers are encouraged to migrate to the Kvaser Memorator Pro 2xHS v2 (73-30130-00819-9).

Kvaser Eagle is a powerful dual channel CAN to standard USB high-speed data logger that is capable of running user-developed scripts. As a flexible, versatile, enhanced evolution of the Kvaser Memorator Professional, Kvaser Eagle offers more advanced logging and statistics collection capabilities than most other CAN interface products on the market. Eagle is also capable of collecting signal triggered data and performing periodic information gathering over a much longer period of time, thanks to its high memory capacity and low current consumption.