
29/06/2021 by Kvaser

Kvaser welcomes Chalmers students for the summer

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Seven students from Chalmers University of Technology join Kvaser AB this summer. Artur, who is completing a Masters in Complex Adaptive Systems and Ebba, studying for a BA in Computer Science and Engineering, are making Kvaserโ€™s remote-controlled car demonstrator self-driving. Henrik, Alexey and Mattias, who have just finished degrees in Automation and Mechatronics at Chalmers are putting theory into practice by developing ABS for the car.

Viktor and Mans, both from Chalmerโ€™s Wireless, Photonics and Space Engineering masterโ€™s program, are helping to set up an automated test system in Kvaserโ€™s radio department. Other students working at Kvaser this summer include Anton in support, and Jakob and Anders in finance.

Kvaser has welcomed students over the summer months for many years. Students get hands-on experience in real-world engineering projects, overseen by our experienced engineering and business team, while we appreciate the ideas and enthusiasm that they bring!

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