
13/09/2019 by Kvaser

Dash Mounted Displays for CAN


In powertrain, chassis or engine development, motorsport applications or other, it is often useful to be able to display live CAN data.

With the right combination of software and a rugged, sunlight-readable display, engine parameters such as throttle position, speed, emissions, fluid pressures and temperatures, to chassis-related data such as wheel travel and speed, ride height, tyre pressure and temperature, can all be made available in real-time and in a much easier-to read-format than the raw .dbc files!

Two options to consider from Kvaserโ€™s partners:


Influx Technologies Rebel Dash

This rugged, high brightness 3.5 inch CAN bus display has integrated inputs and outputs. Designed for integration with Influxโ€™s Rebel data loggers and K-Box instrumentation, it can also be used as a standalone CAN display. Simply load the DBC description file into the configuration utility, select the items that should be available for display and configure the Dash via USB or a supported Kvaser device.

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New Eagleโ€™s VeeCAN 800

The VeeCAN 800 is a 7 inch, waterproof touchscreen display. With 2 USB ports and support for 14 analog inputs, 4 digital inputs, 8 outputs, 2 CAN connections and Ethernet, this display is compatible with Raptor, New Eagleโ€™s embedded Model-Based Development platform, and the MATLAB Simulink graphical programming environment for creating, editing and debugging the display software.

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