Developer Blog

22/02/2018 by Magnus Carlsson

Reading signals from log files

We have seen in earlier blog articles how to create a DBC database and how to use signals from the database while sending and receiving CAN traffic.1 This time we’ll take a look at how we can use the DBC database to show signals from logged data.

Configure the logger

In order to capture our signals we need to first configure our logger. I have a Kvaser Memorator Pro 5xHS (00778-9) connected to my PC, you should change the EAN number in the code below to match your own device.

from canlib import kvDevice
from canlib import kvamemolibxml

# Use .strip() to remove first newline, otherwise we get the error:
# XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <MODE fifo_mode="NO" log_all="YES"/>
    <PARAMETERS bitrate="1000000" channel="0" silent="YES" sjw="1" tseg1="5" tseg2="2"/>
    <PARAMETERS bitrate="1000000" channel="1" silent="YES" sjw="1" tseg1="5" tseg2="2"/>

def init_card(dev):
    """Format disk on device"""
    # Open the device

    # Initialize the SD card with default values
    print('Formatting Card on:\n%s' % dev)

    # Convert the XML configuration to a binary configuration
    config_lif = kvamemolibxml.kvaXmlToBuffer(CONFIG_XML)

    # write the configuration

    # Close the device

def main():
    # Connect to our Kvaser Memorator Pro 5xHS with EAN 00778-9
    dev = kvDevice.kvDevice(ean="73-30130-00778-9")

if __name__ == '__main__':

Listing 2: Basic configuration to log everything on channel 0 and 1 at 1000 kbit/s using a Kvaser Memorator Pro 5xHS.

Running the code in Listing 2 prepares our Kvaser Memorator device by initializing the SD-card and downloading a “log-all” configuration.

Creating the sample data using framebox

Now we need some data, so why not create a script that generates random data based on the signal definitions available in a given database. In our case we use a database with two messages defined, EngineData and GearBoxInfo, each containing a number of signals (PetrolLevel, EngPower, and so on).

# Declare the signal name and the name of the message the signal
# can be found in. E.g. the signal 'PetrolLevel' can be found in
# the message 'EngineData'.
    'PetrolLevel': 'EngineData',
    'EngPower': 'EngineData',
    'EngForce': 'EngineData',
    'IdleRunning': 'EngineData',
    'EngTemp': 'EngineData',
    'EngSpeed': 'EngineData',
    'EcoMode': 'GearBoxInfo',
    'ShiftRequest': 'GearBoxInfo',
    'Gear': 'GearBoxInfo',

When we later would like to give a signal a random value, we actually do not care about what message the signal is housed in, we just would like to set a value on a specific signal, whatever message that signal belongs to. The Framebox is our helper class to accomplish this. Given a database, db, we first create a framebox containing our messages mentioned in the SIGNALS definition above. We can then set a signal value through the framebox using framebox.signal('PetrolLevel').phys=35 with confidence that the value will end up in the correct message.2

Let us take a look at the function that is responsible for sending and receiving random signal values using a framebox.

def send_receive_using_framebox(db, quantity, ch_tx, ch_rx):
    # Create framebox
    framebox = kvadblib.FrameBox(db)

    # Add our messages to the framebox
    for msg_name in set(SIGNALS.values()):

    # Randomly fill signals with values
    for i in range(quantity):
        set_random_framebox_signal(db, framebox)

    # Send all frames contained in the framebox (one frame for each message)
    for frame in framebox.frames():
        # let the database interpret the frame, a bound message will be
        # returned
        bmsg = db.interpret(frame=frame)
        # print the contents of the bound message using our own string
        # converter
        print('Sending %s\n' % bmessage_str(bmsg))
        # send the frame, wait for Tx acknowledge
        ch_tx.writeWait(frame, timeout=5000)

    # Receive our CAN frames
        while True:
            # receive one frame
            frame =
            # let the database interpret the frame
            bmsg = db.interpret(frame=frame)
            # print the contents of the bound messages
            print('Received %s\n' % bmessage_str(bmsg))
    # stop when we did not receive any more CAN frames
    except canlib.CanNoMsg:
        print("Received all frames!")

Given the database DB, we now want to create a random value for a random signal. We do this by first randomly selecting a signal from the SIGNALS definition above and then defer the actual finding of a valid value to the function get_random_value().

def set_random_framebox_signal(db, framebox):
    # pick a signal name at random
    sig_name = random.choice(list(SIGNALS))

    # get a random, but valid, value
    value = get_random_value(db, sig_name)

    print("Setting %s to %s" % (sig_name, value))
    # set the signal value through our framebox
    framebox.signal(sig_name).phys = value

Later on, we would like to print the contents of bound messages so we add the bmessage_str() function to convert the content of a bound message to a string. The only thing we have to add now is some configuration of the channels. Let us take a look at our complete program before running it.

import random
from canlib import canlib
from canlib import kvadblib

# Declare the signal name and the name of the message the signal
# can be found in. E.g. the signal 'PetrolLevel' can be found in
# the message 'EngineData'.
    'PetrolLevel': 'EngineData',
    'EngPower': 'EngineData',
    'EngForce': 'EngineData',
    'IdleRunning': 'EngineData',
    'EngTemp': 'EngineData',
    'EngSpeed': 'EngineData',
    'EcoMode': 'GearBoxInfo',
    'ShiftRequest': 'GearBoxInfo',
    'Gear': 'GearBoxInfo',

def open_channel(channel):
    """Open a new channel , set bitrate 1Mbit/s and go bus on."""
    ch = canlib.openChannel(channel, canlib.canOPEN_ACCEPT_VIRTUAL)
    return ch

def close_channel(ch):
    """Go bus off and close channel."""

def get_random_bound_signal(db):
    """Create a bmsg, randomly choosing a message/signal pair from SIGNALS"""
    # pick a signal name at random
    sig_name = random.choice(list(SIGNALS))

    # get the message name
    msg_name = SIGNALS[sig_name]

    # get the message from our database
    msg = db.get_message_by_name(msg_name)

    # create a BoundSignal, containing an empty frame
    # with correct ID and DLC
    bsig = msg.get_signal_by_name(sig_name).bind()

    # get the signal, which holds the definitions
    sig = bsig.signal

    # get the signal's limits
    limits = sig.limits

    # create a value (with many decimals) within the limits
    value = random.uniform(limits.min, limits.max)

    # round value depending on type...
    if sig.type is kvadblib.SignalType.UNSIGNED:
        # ...remove decimals if the signal was of type unsigned
        value = int(round(value))
        # ...otherwise, round to get only one decimal
        value = round(value, 1)

    # Now we would like to set the physical value
    bsig.phys = value

    return bsig

def bsignal_str(bsignal):
    """Create a nice looking string of the contents of the bound signal"""
    value = bsignal.phys
    if bsignal.signal.type is kvadblib.SignalType.UNSIGNED:
        # remove decimals if the signal was of type unsigned
        value = int(value)
        # otherwise, round to get only one decimal
        value = round(value, 1)

    # create adjusted strings for prettier printing
    name = str(
    val = str(value).rjust(5)
    return '%12s: %3s %s' % (name, val, bsignal.unit)

def bmessage_str(bmsg):
    """Create a nice looking string of the contents of the bound message"""
    txt = ''
    for bsig in bmsg:
        txt += '\n\t%s' % bsignal_str(bsig)
    return txt

def get_random_value(db, sig_name):
    # get the message name
    msg_name = SIGNALS[sig_name]

    # get the message from our database
    msg = db.get_message_by_name(msg_name)

    # get the signal, which holds the definitions
    sig = msg.get_signal_by_name(sig_name)

    # get the signal's limits
    limits = sig.limits

    # create a value (with many decimals) within the limits
    value = random.uniform(limits.min, limits.max)

    # round value depending on type...
    if (sig.type is kvadblib.SignalType.UNSIGNED or
            sig.type is kvadblib.SignalType.SIGNED):
        # ...remove decimals if the signal was of type unsigned
        value = int(round(value))
        # ...otherwise, round to get only one decimal
        value = round(value, 1)

    return value

def set_random_framebox_signal(db, framebox):
    # pick a signal name at random
    sig_name = random.choice(list(SIGNALS))

    # get a random, but valid, value
    value = get_random_value(db, sig_name)

    print("Setting %s to %s" % (sig_name, value))
    # set the signal value through our framebox
    framebox.signal(sig_name).phys = value

def send_receive_using_framebox(db, quantity, ch_tx, ch_rx):
    # Create framebox
    framebox = kvadblib.FrameBox(db)

    # Add our messages to the framebox
    for msg_name in set(SIGNALS.values()):

    # Randomly fill signals with values
    for i in range(quantity):
        set_random_framebox_signal(db, framebox)

    # Send all frames contained in the framebox (one frame for each message)
    for frame in framebox.frames():
        # let the database interpret the frame, a bound message will be
        # returned
        bmsg = db.interpret(frame=frame)
        # print the contents of the bound message using our own string
        # converter
        print('Sending %s\n' % bmessage_str(bmsg))
        # send the frame, wait for Tx acknowledge
        ch_tx.writeWait(frame, timeout=5000)

    # Receive our CAN frames
        while True:
            # receive one frame
            frame =
            # let the database interpret the frame
            bmsg = db.interpret(frame=frame)
            # print the contents of the bound messages
            print('Received %s\n' % bmessage_str(bmsg))
    # stop when we did not receive any more CAN frames
    except canlib.CanNoMsg:
        print("Received all frames!")

def main():
    print("kvadblib v%s" % kvadblib.dllversion())

    # open the database we would like to use
    db = kvadblib.Dbc(filename='engine_example.dbc')

    # Open and setup channels
    ch0 = open_channel(0)
    ch1 = open_channel(1)

    # Loop the sending twice so we send four CAN frames in total
    for i in range(2):
        # quantity specifies how many time we should set a random value on a
        # random signal

if __name__ == '__main__':

After arming our logger device by applying CAN power and disconnecting USB, we can now finally run the program on a second device that is connected to the same CAN bus (I used a Kvaser USBcan Pro) and note that the sent and received signals are identical!

kvadblib v8.22.360
Setting EngSpeed to 6778
Setting EngForce to 250
             EcoMode:     1
        ShiftRequest:     0
                Gear:     2

         PetrolLevel:     0 l
            EngPower:    62 kW
            EngForce:   223 N
         IdleRunning:     1
             EngTemp:     6 degC
            EngSpeed:  6778 rpm

             EcoMode:     1 
        ShiftRequest:     0
                Gear:     2

         PetrolLevel:     0 l
            EngPower:    62 kW
            EngForce:   223 N
         IdleRunning:     1
             EngTemp:     6 degC
            EngSpeed:  6778 rpm
Received all frames!

Examining the logged data

Now that we have logged data on our Kvaser Memorator Pro, let us examine what is in there. We have gone through this in earlier blog articles3 so let us here just recap the essential part were we do the printing (full code listing will follow). When we write the raw frame contents, we use canlib’s built in string conversion

def read_raw_events(dev, fileIndx):
    # read events from logfile number indicated by fileIndx
    myEvents = dev.memoReadEvents(fileIndx)
    for event in myEvents:
        # print event with built in string conversion

Using the read_raw_events function results in the following output:

Found 1 file on card:
*t:             - EAN:73-30130-00778-9  s/n:1023  FW:v3.8.384  LIO:v0.0
 t:    0.250051287  DateTime: 2018-02-09 09:04:25
 t:    0.250051287 Log Trigger Event (type: 0x1, trigno: 0x00, pre-trigger: 0, post-
      trigger: -1)

 t:    9.732494837  DateTime: 2018-02-09 09:04:34
 t:   12.094059087  ch:0 f:    2 id: 3fc dlc: 1 d:42
 t:   12.101087212  ch:0 f:    2 id:  64 dlc: 8 d:7a 1a 9c 00 df 00 38 18
 t:   12.623195962  ch:0 f:    2 id: 3fc dlc: 1 d:43
 t:   12.624621087  ch:0 f:    2 id:  64 dlc: 8 d:13 08 86 f5 44 01 a4 38
 t:   20.232475162  DateTime: 2018-02-09 09:04:45

So let us now use the database to extract our signals from those message events and replace the printed output with the name and value of our corresponding signal. This is done by converting each read message event into a frame, then let the database interpret the frame which results in a bound message. Then we can just iterate over the bound message, as we have done before, to get hold of the contained signals. The last step is to adjust the printing to fit the built in string formatting.

def read_signal_events(dev, fileIndx):
    # open the database we would like to use
    db = kvadblib.Dbc(filename='engine_example.dbc')

    myEvents = dev.memoReadEvents(fileIndx)
    for event in myEvents:
        # only message events have a data frame
        if type(event) is
            # convert the message event into a frame
            frame = event.asframe()
            # let the database interpret the frame, a bound message will be
            # returned
            bmsg = db.interpret(frame=frame)
            # generate a nice looking string from the bound message, and
            # print on a format matching the built in string conversion
            # used for other types of events
            timestamp = event.asframe().timestamp / 1000000000
            print(' t:%14s  Signal %s ' % (timestamp, bmessage_str(bmsg)))

Using the read_signal_events() function results in the following output:

Found 1 file on card:
*t:             - EAN:73-30130-00778-9  s/n:1023 FW:v3.8.384 LIO:v0.0
 t:   0.250051287  DateTime: 2018-02-09 09:04:25
 t:   0.250051287 Log Trigger Event (type: 0x1, trigno: 0x00, pre-trigger: 0, post-
      trigger: -1)
 t:   9.732494837  DateTime: 2018-02-09 09:04:34
 t:  12.094059087  Signal     EcoMode:  1   ShiftRequest:  0        Gear:   2
 t:  12.101087212  Signal PetrolLevel:  0 l     EngPower: 62 kW EngForce: 223 N
      IdleRunning: 1 EngTemp:   6 degC EngSpeed: 6778 rpm
 t:  12.623195962  Signal EcoMode: 1 ShiftRequest: 0 Gear: 3 
 t:  12.624621087  Signal PetrolLevel:245 l     EngPower:145 kW EngForce: 324 N
      IdleRunning: 1 EngTemp: -38 degC EngSpeed: 2067 rpm 
 t:  20.232475162  DateTime: 2018-02-09 09:04:45

Finally, here is the complete listing of our program.

from canlib import kvDevice
from canlib import kvadblib
from canlib import kvmlib

def read_raw_events(dev, fileIndx):
    # read events from logfile number indicated by fileIndx
    myEvents = dev.memoReadEvents(fileIndx)
    for event in myEvents:
        # print event with built in string conversion

def bsignal_str(bsignal):
    """Create a nice looking string of the contents of the bound signal"""
    value = bsignal.phys
    if bsignal.signal.type is kvadblib.SignalType.UNSIGNED:
        # remove decimals if the signal was of type unsigned
        value = int(value)
        # otherwise, round to get only one decimal
        value = round(value, 1)

    # create adjusted strings for prettier printing
    name = str(
    val = str(value).rjust(5)
    return '%s: %s %s' % (name, val, bsignal.unit)

def bmessage_str(bmsg):
    """Create a nice looking string of the contents of the bound message"""
    txt = ''
    for bsig in bmsg:
        txt += '%s' % bsignal_str(bsig)
    return txt

def read_signal_events(dev, fileIndx):
    # open the database we would like to use
    db = kvadblib.Dbc(filename='engine_example.dbc')

    myEvents = dev.memoReadEvents(fileIndx)
    for event in myEvents:
        # only message events have a data frame
        if type(event) is
            # convert the message event into a frame
            frame = event.asframe()
            # let the database interpret the frame, a bound message will be
            # returned
            bmsg = db.interpret(frame=frame)
            # generate a nice looking string from the bound message, and
            # print on a format matching the built in string conversion
            # used for other types of events
            timestamp = event.asframe().timestamp / 1000000000
            print(' t:%14s  Signal %s ' % (timestamp, bmessage_str(bmsg)))

def read_log(dev, read_function):
    # Connect to our Kvaser Memorator Pro 5xHS with EAN 00778-9
    dev = kvDevice.kvDevice(ean="73-30130-00778-9")
    fileCount = dev.memo.logFileGetCount()
    print("Found %d file%s on card:" % (fileCount, "s" if fileCount > 1 else ""))

    # Loop through all logfiles and write their contents to stdout
    for fileIndx in range(fileCount):
        read_function(dev, fileIndx)

    # Delete all logfiles

    # Close device

def main():
    # connect to our Kvaser Memorator Pro 5xHS with EAN 00778-9
    dev = kvDevice.kvDevice(ean="73-30130-00778-9")

    # read and print raw events from the device
    read_log(dev, read_raw_events)
    # read and print signals from the device
    read_log(dev, read_signal_events)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Convert logged data to a signal based format

If we already have extracted our logged data from our Kvaser Memorator into e.g. a .kme50 file, we can still expose our signals by feeding the database to the converter library and convert our data to a signal based format. Here we will convert our .kme50 file into the csv signal format.4

# set output format
fmt = kvlclib.WriterFormat(kvlclib.FILE_FORMAT_CSV_SIGNAL)
# the name of the formatter is fetched using kvlcGetWriterName() internally
print("Output format is '%s'" %

# set resulting output filename taking advantage of the extension defined
# in the format. (Uses kvlcGetWriterExtension() under the hood.)
outfile = "myresult." + fmt.extension
print("Output filename is '%s'" % outfile)

# create converter
kc = kvlclib.Converter(outfile, fmt)

# add database file
channel_mask = kvlclib.ChannelMask.ONE | kvlclib.ChannelMask.TWO
kc.addDatabaseFile("engine_example.dbc", channel_mask)

# Set input filename and format
inputfile = "engine_example.kme50"
print("Input filename is '%s'" % inputfile)
kc.setInputFile(inputfile, file_format=kvlclib.FILE_FORMAT_KME50)

The full listing of our programs is shown below.

from canlib import kvlclib

def trySetProperty(converter, property, value=None):
    # Check if the format supports the given property
    if converter.format.isPropertySupported(property):

        # If a value was specified, set the property to this value
        if value is not None:
            converter.setProperty(property, value)

        # get the property's default value
        default = converter.format.getPropertyDefault(property)
        print(" PROPERTY_%s is supported (Default: %s)" %
              (property['name'], default))

        # get the property's current value
        value = converter.getProperty(property)
        print("	Current value: %s" % value)
        print(" PROPERTY %s is not supported" %

def convertEvents(kc):
    # Get estimated number of remaining events in the input file. This can be
    # useful for displaying progress during conversion.
    total = kc.eventCount()
    print("Converting about %d events..." % total)
    while True:
            # Convert events from input file one by one until EOF is reached
            if kc.isOutputFilenameNew():
                print("New output filename: %s" % kc.getOutputFilename())
                print("About %d events left to convert..." % kc.eventCount())
        except kvlclib.KvlcEndOfFile:
            if kc.isOverrunActive():
                print("NOTE! The extracted data contained overrun.")
            if kc.isDataTruncated():
                print("NOTE! The extracted data was truncated.")

# set output format
fmt = kvlclib.WriterFormat(kvlclib.FILE_FORMAT_CSV_SIGNAL)
# the name of the formatter is fetched using kvlcGetWriterName() internally
print("Output format is '%s'" %

# set resulting output filename taking advantage of the extension defined
# in the format. (Uses kvlcGetWriterExtension() under the hood.)
outfile = "myresult." + fmt.extension
print("Output filename is '%s'" % outfile)

# create converter
kc = kvlclib.Converter(outfile, fmt)

# add database file
channel_mask = kvlclib.ChannelMask.ONE | kvlclib.ChannelMask.TWO
kc.addDatabaseFile("engine_example.dbc", channel_mask)

# Set input filename and format
inputfile = "engine_example.kme50"
print("Input filename is '%s'" % inputfile)
kc.setInputFile(inputfile, file_format=kvlclib.FILE_FORMAT_KME50)

# allow output file to overwrite existing files
trySetProperty(kc, kvlclib.PROPERTY_OVERWRITE, 1)

# add nice header to the output file
trySetProperty(kc, kvlclib.PROPERTY_WRITE_HEADER, 1)

# we are converting CAN traffic with max 8 bytes, so we can minimize the
# width of the data output to 8 bytes
trySetProperty(kc, kvlclib.PROPERTY_LIMIT_DATA_BYTES, 8)

# convert all events

Running the above program reveals that the property LIMIT_DATA_BYTES was obviously not available in the “CSV Signal” format we choose, but we were saved by our trySetProperty() function.

Output format is 'CSV Signal'
Output filename is 'myresult.csv'
Input filename is 'histogram.kme50'
 PROPERTY_OVERWRITE is supported (Default: 0)
        Current value: 1
 PROPERTY_WRITE_HEADER is supported (Default: 0)
        Current value: 1
 PROPERTY LIMIT_DATA_BYTES is not supported 
Converting about 42 events...
New output filename: myresult.csv
About 41 events left to convert...

Looking in the resulting file myresult.csv shown in Figure 2 we can see the signals as we expected.

Screen Shot 2019-11-06 at 4.50.15 PM

Figure 2: Our resulting csv file reveals the now familiar signal values.

This ends the tour on how to use a DBC database to show signals and values from events and logged data. Hopefully you learned something, or at least found it interesting. If you have any questions please feel free to contact


1 We created a database in the blog entry Handling CAN databases in Python, and sent and received signals in Send and receive database signals.

2 If the signal is missing from the framebox, we get an exception.

3 We read logged messages when we started using kvmlib in

4 This code was introduced in a blog series about the Converter Library (kvlclib)

Author Image

Magnus Carlsson

Magnus Carlsson is a Software Developer for Kvaser AB and has developed firmware and software for Kvaser products since 2007. He has also written a number of articles for Kvaser’s Developer Blog dealing with the popular Python language.