
22/09/2016 by Kvaser

Kvaser’s website gets more than a new look

New front page

Improved Comparison function

If you are a regular visitor to, you’ll notice some big changes took place in August. Top of the list was some overall design refreshment, resulting in, among other benefits, a simplified click-through path to our products and those of our software partners.

However, the biggest advantage to customers from the new design will come from the implementation of a ‘My Kvaser’ facility, where you can log in, quickly view your previously researched items, compare them and export the information to PDF and email, plus view previous orders, including detailed information such as any device serial numbers that you have registered.

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Request info on CAN software

My Kvaser is designed to make your life easier, helping you request information from third party software providers and track their response, provide a record of your purchases and keep you apprised of their warranty status.


Register your product

If you buy Kvaser devices through a Kvaser Qualified Sales Representative, we encourage you to register your device within My Kvaser to benefit from an extra year of warranty, as well as alerts for software updates that relate to your registered product/s, news of software tutorials relevant to your product and eventually, End of Life information.

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