The JSON REST API allows any device that supports HTTP to communicate with a selected Kvaser CAN interface.

The JSON REST API is available in selected Kvaser CAN interfaces. This API defines the set of HTTP commands and responses that a Kvaser device will understand. This then enables our device to establish a connection and receive/transmit CAN data with a wide variety of web-enabled devices.


The Kvaser REST API is free and example code is available in our CANlib SDK.

  • Receive and transmit data with any device that supports HTTP
  • Send and receive data with your smartphone or tablet
  • Latest version allows filtering

REST API Enabled Products:

Getting Started:

To get started using the JSON REST API with CAN, use the Kvaser Blackbird v2. You may request a 30-day Evaluation period on a Blackbird v2 by contacting Kvaser directly at sales@kvaser.com.

Download Manual

Download the REST API Manual now.


Download CANlib

Get the SDK package with API and examples.


Recent REST API Articles:


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