Return to Home Sign in or create an account to take the course Quiz Quiz Please sign up for the course before taking this quiz. 1. The CAN bus uses _____________with bit-stuffing. Non-Return To Zero (NRZ) bit-wise arbitration SAE J2411 error counters 2. How many wires are used in high speed CAN? 2 1 3 3. What is the maximum speed of a classical CAN bus, according to the standard? 256 kbit/second 1 Mbit/second 2.4 Mbit/second 512 kbit/second 4. At a speed of 1 Mbit/s, what is the a maximum cable length of the CAN bus? 200 meters (650 ft) 100 meters (330 ft) about 40 meters (130 ft.) 500 meters (1600 ft) 5. An ISO 11898 CAN bus must always be ____________ regardless of its speed. terminated at 125 kbit/s arbitrated monitored 6. There is no standard at all for CAN bus connectors. True False CAN Physical Layers CAN Oscilloscope Pictures Back to: CAN Protocol Tutorial > CAN Physical Layer