CanKing 7 is available for multiple platforms and can be downloaded from the page. Download your preferred version then follow the instructions below as the steps vary slightly by platform.
Windows x64
The Windows version is distributed as a Windows Installer, but before running the installer and following the steps provided, it is important to have already installed the Kvaser Drivers. The drivers can be found at
Linux x64 & ARM64
The Linux version is distributed as a .deb file. Before installing it though, it’s important that the Kvaser Linux SDK and Drivers have been installed. CanKing 7 does not work with SocketCAN drivers. Once the drivers are installed, installing CanKing 7 is virtually the same for both Linux and ARM platforms. First, open a terminal in the same directory as the .deb file. Once there, type the following into the command prompt with the file name written as it is named in your directory:
$ sudo apt install ./canking-7.0.0-linux-amd64_7_0_0.deb