Kvaser CANtegrity
Kvaser CANtegrity is signal integrity hardware that has been integrated in Kvaserโs CAN FD controller logic. The hardware adds high-speed sampling (640MHz) which provides more detailed data on each CAN frame.
This allows Kvaser CANtegrity to combine a) oscilloscope-level display of the bus signal, with b) exact interpretation of the CAN frame.
With this data it is possible to process the information and find deviations from the perfect CAN-frame, including phase shift of edges and unexpected edges.
CANtegrity hardware provides deep knowledge of the CAN-frames under analysis, and through that, a complete understanding of the CAN system can be achieved. An advantage over a traditional oscilloscope is being able to trigger on specific error frames or ACK bits, rather than just analog characteristics, such as level or pulse width.
What can CANtegrity be used for?
- Detecting invalidation of the CAN-frame.
- Possible to make an external trigger to an oscilloscope when there is an error frame.
- By analysing phase shift, it is possible to see from which unit the CAN frame is sent.
- Some failures produce specific phase shifts that make it possible to define the type of CANbus failure, such as a broken wire, bad connector, loss of termination. Those errors could otherwise exist without causing error-frames under normal operation conditions.
- With some deep mathematical analysis, it is possible to estimate the distance to a failure relative to the CANtegrity connection point.
Several educational videos have been created, showing where CANtegrity information is used to display how different bit configurations would affect the communication.
There is also a whitepaper by Kent Lennartsson that explains how a receiver synchronises bits in a CAN-frame. This knowledge should help anyone use the information provided by CANtegrity to better effect.
For all enquiries, contact Kent Lennartsson, Kvaser Research Manager, at kent.lennartsson@kvaser.com.
Kvaser Research Manager, Kent Lennartsson, describes CAN FD samplepoins in the Kvaser CANtegrity software.
Kvaser Research Manager, Kent Lennartsson, looks at how bitrate switch (BRS) mode functions in the Kvaser CANtegrity software.