DTA Engineering

DT Engineering serves the Automotive and Supplier Industries, as well as Aviation, Defence Industries and Appliances markets.
DT Engineering specializes in providing world-leading companies with test & measurement services, including software simulation. They accomplish this by working with R & D and Product Development departments to offer software and hardware sales, project services, training, technical support and consultancy services.
TEST and CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) in the following subsections in the field:
- NVH (Vibration - Noise)
- Fatigue (Fatigue)
- Linear and Nonlinear Analysis
- MBS (rigid body dynamics)
- Structural and Nonlinear Optimization
- 1-Dimensional System Simulation
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
- All kinds of Data Acquisition and Analysis Systems
- Acquisition Sensors of all kinds:
- Accelerometers, force, torque, pressure, GPS, Speed, RPM, Strain, Microphone
- Acoustic Room Design
- Chassis Dayno (NVH, EMC, etc.)
- Modal Shaker
- Electrodynamic shaker
- Impedance Tube
- Hydraulic test systems
- Environmental air conditioning rooms
ULUTEK Teknoloji Gelistirme Bolgesi No:134 Uludag Universitesi Kampusu 16059 Nilufer BURSA
E-mail: info@dta.com.tr
Website: http://www.dta.com.tr/
+90 224 280 84 44