11/08/2017 by Dynamic

A normal SD card reader can be used to initialize SD cards for use with the Kvaser Memorator Professional.  Previous versions have required that SD cards be initialized in the Kvaser Memorator Professional itself.  However you can now initialized the cards in an off-the-shelf SD Card reader following these steps:

  1. Place the card in the card reader.
  2. Run the Memorator Professional Tool.
  3. Press the Connect button.
  4. In the Connect Dialog check the “Use a device other than a Kvaser Memorator Professional” checkbox and press Next.
  5. You will now have the option to connect to a card reader, KMF files, or no device at all.  Select the radio button titled External SD/MMC card reader and press Next.
  6. You will now need to Browse for the card readers drive location. Once you have selected the correct drive location press Next.
  7. Leave the radio button selecting Format 3.0 and press Next. This screen is for one of those changes in formats that I referred to in my last email.
  8. Press Finish and you should be connected.