9-pin DSUB
This connector layout is recommended by CAN in Automation (CiA) and is pretty much the industrial standard.
KVASER users: Please note that the specific utilization of these pins on the KVASER DRVcan driver cables is described in the document “LAPcan Hardware Guide” which you can download here.
If power is supplied, it shall be in the range +7..+13 V, 100 mA. Modules provide a male connector and have to connect pin 3 and 6 internally.

The pin numbering is valid for a male connector, viewed from the connector side, or for a female connector viewed from the soldering side. – To memorize the pinning, note that CAN_LOW has a LOW pin number and CAN_HIGH has a HIGH pin number.
5-pin Mini-C
Used by both DeviceNet and SDS and happens to be compatible between these two protocols.

The modules have male connectors. The supplied power is 24V +- 1%.
Note: in the DeviceNet specification version 1.x, the female connector in figure 9.13 has the numbers in wrong order. Specification 2.0 and later versions has got it right.
6-pin Deutsch DT04-6P
Recommended by CANHUG for use in mobile hydraulics applications.
Module side male, bus side female. There is currently no recommendation as to the supplied power.