Mecel AB is a systems and software development company with more than 25 years of experience developing systems and software solutions for the automotive industry.
We specialize in in-car communication technologies, user interface development and consumer device interaction for automobiles, trucks, buses, and their infrastructureMecel offers engineering services and products for innovative and efficient solutions that provide our clients with a competitive edge. Our three core Automotive Grade software products are:Mecel Picea – for efficient AUTOSAR developmentMecel Betula – for efficient Bluetooth connectivity developmentMecel Populus – for efficient HMI developmentFor legacy applications we also offer: Mecel Autosoft – for efficient CAN and diagnostics communicationMecel's strengths are its highly skilled and motivated people, the benefit of being a small company for flexibility and rapidity to market and the support of our owner's (Delphi) network for marketing, development and mass production. We Make Vehicles Communicate.
Mölndalsvägen 36 Box 140 44 SE-400 20 Gothenburg
+46 31 720 44 00