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linlib.h File Reference

Definitions for the LINlib API. More...

#include <pshpack1.h>
#include <poppack.h>

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Data Structures

struct  LinMessageInfo


#define linINVALID_HANDLE   ((LinHandle)(-1))
LIN message flags

The following flags can be returned from linReadMessage() and linReadMessageWait().

#define LIN_TX   1
 The message was something we transmitted on the bus. More...
#define LIN_RX   2
 The message was something we received from the bus. More...
#define LIN_WAKEUP_FRAME   4
 A wake up frame was received. Id/msg/dlc are undefined. More...
#define LIN_NODATA   8
 No data, only a header. More...
#define LIN_CSUM_ERROR   16
 Checksum error. More...
#define LIN_PARITY_ERROR   32
 ID parity error. More...
#define LIN_SYNCH_ERROR   64
 A synch error. More...
#define LIN_BIT_ERROR   128
 Bit error when transmitting. More...
Flags for linGetChannelData()

These defines are used in linGetChannelData().

Flags for linOpenChannel()

These defines are used in linOpenChannel().

#define LIN_MASTER   1
 The LIN interface will be a LIN master. More...
#define LIN_SLAVE   2
 The LIN interface will be a LIN slave. More...
LIN illegal message flags

LIN message parity

LIN setup
#define LIN_VARIABLE_DLC   2


typedef int LinHandle


enum  LinStatus {
  linOK = 0,
  linERR_NOMSG = -1,
  linERR_RUNNING = -4,
  linERR_SLAVEONLY = -6,
  linERR_PARAM = -7,
  linERR_NOTFOUND = -8,
  linERR_NOMEM = -9,
  linERR_NOCHANNELS = -10,
  linERR_TIMEOUT = -11,
  linERR_NOHANDLES = -13,
  linERR_INVHANDLE = -14,
  linERR_CANERROR = -15,
  linERR_ERRRESP = -16,
  linERR_WRONGRESP = -17,
  linERR_DRIVER = -18,
  linERR_NOCARD = -20,
  linERR_LICENSE = -21,
  linERR_INTERNAL = -22,
  linERR_NO_ACCESS = -23,
  linERR_VERSION = -24,
  linERR_NO_REF_POWER = -25,


void linInitializeLibrary (void)
void linUnloadLibrary (void)
LinStatus linGetTransceiverData (int channel, unsigned char eanNo[8], unsigned char serNo[8], int *ttype)
LinHandle linOpenChannel (int channel, int flags)
LinStatus linClose (LinHandle h)
LinStatus linGetVersion (int *major, int *minor, int *build)
LinStatus linGetFirmwareVersion (LinHandle h, unsigned char *bootVerMajor, unsigned char *bootVerMinor, unsigned char *bootVerBuild, unsigned char *appVerMajor, unsigned char *appVerMinor, unsigned char *appVerBuild)
LinStatus linGetChannelData (int channel, int item, void *buffer, size_t bufsize)
LinStatus linSetBitrate (LinHandle h, unsigned int bps)
LinStatus linBusOn (LinHandle h)
LinStatus linBusOff (LinHandle h)
unsigned long linReadTimer (LinHandle h)
LinStatus linWriteMessage (LinHandle h, unsigned int id, const void *msg, unsigned int dlc)
LinStatus linRequestMessage (LinHandle h, unsigned int id)
LinStatus linReadMessage (LinHandle h, unsigned int *id, void *msg, unsigned int *dlc, unsigned int *flags, LinMessageInfo *msgInfo)
LinStatus linReadMessageWait (LinHandle h, unsigned int *id, void *msg, unsigned int *dlc, unsigned int *flags, LinMessageInfo *msgInfo, unsigned long timeout)
LinStatus linUpdateMessage (LinHandle h, unsigned int id, const void *msg, unsigned int dlc)
LinStatus linSetupIllegalMessage (LinHandle h, unsigned int id, unsigned int cFlags, unsigned int delay)
LinStatus linSetupLIN (LinHandle h, unsigned int lFlags, unsigned int bps)
LinStatus linWriteWakeup (LinHandle h, unsigned int count, unsigned int interval)
LinStatus linClearMessage (LinHandle h, unsigned int id)
LinStatus linWriteSync (LinHandle h, unsigned long timeout)
LinStatus linGetCanHandle (LinHandle h, unsigned int *canHandle)

Detailed Description

Definitions for the LINlib API.

Data Structure Documentation

◆ LinMessageInfo

struct LinMessageInfo

In certain LIN bus API calls, the following structure is used to provide more information about the LIN messages.

The precision of the timing data given in us (microseconds) can be less than one microsecond; for low bitrates the lowest bits might always be zero.
The min and max values listed inside [] of the message timing values can be calculated from the LIN specification by using the shortest (0 bytes) or longest (8 bytes) messages at the lowest or highest allowed bitrate.
The LIN interface will accept messages that are a bit out-of-bounds as well.
Data Fields
unsigned long bitrate

The bitrate of the message in bits per seconds. Range [1000 .. 20000] (plus some margin)

unsigned long byteTime[8]

Start time in microseconds of each data byte. In case of 8-byte messages, the crc time isn't included (but can be deduced from frameLength).

Not supported by all devices.
unsigned char checkSum

The checksum as read from the LIN bus. Might not match the data in case of LIN_CSUM_ERROR.

unsigned long frameLength

The total frame length in microseconds; from the synch break to the end of the crc. [2200 .. 173600]

unsigned char idPar

The id with parity of the message as read from the LIN bus. Might be invalid in case of LIN_PARITY_ERROR.

unsigned long synchBreakLength

Length of the synch break in microseconds. [650 .. 13000], [400 .. 8000] for a wakeup signal.

unsigned long synchEdgeTime[4]

Time in microseconds of the falling edges in the synch byte relative the falling edge of the start bit.

Not supported by all devices.
unsigned long timestamp

Kvaser DRV Lin timestamp - Timestamp in milliseconds of the falling edge of the synch break of the message. Uses the canlib CAN timer.

Kvaser LIN Leaf timestamp - Timestamp in milliseconds of the falling edge of the synch break of the message. Uses the canlib CAN timer.

All Kvaser Leaf with Kvaser MagiSync™ are synchronized (also with CAN channels).
unsigned short z Dummy for alignment.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define LIN_BIT_ERROR   128

Bit error when transmitting.


#define LIN_CSUM_ERROR   16

Checksum error.



When specified, the LIN interface will use the "enhanced" checksum according to LIN 2.0. Note that (as per the LIN 2.0 spec) the enhanced checksum is not used on the diagnostic frames even if the LIN_ENHANCED_CHECKSUM setting is in effect.

The default value is OFF.


#define LIN_MASTER   1

The LIN interface will be a LIN master.



The checksum of transmitted messages will be inverted (and consequently illegal.)



The two parity bits will be inverted (and consequently illegal.) Used only in master mode.



Use enhanced (2.x) parity for the specified msg



Use standard (1.x) parity for the specified msg


#define LIN_NODATA   8

No data, only a header.


#define LIN_PARITY_ERROR   32

ID parity error.


#define LIN_RX   2

The message was something we received from the bus.


#define LIN_SLAVE   2

The LIN interface will be a LIN slave.


#define LIN_SYNCH_ERROR   64

A synch error.


#define LIN_TX   1

The message was something we transmitted on the bus.


#define LIN_VARIABLE_DLC   2

When specified, turns variable message length on, so the the message length will depend on the message ID.

The default value is ON.


#define LIN_WAKEUP_FRAME   4

A wake up frame was received. Id/msg/dlc are undefined.



This define is used in linGetChannelData(), buffer mentioned below refers to this functions argument.

buffer points to a 64-bit (8 bytes) area which receives the firmware revision number on the card. This number consists of four 16-bit words: the major revision, the minor revision, the release number and the build number, listed in order from the most significant to the least significant.



Macro for determining if a flag field contains a LIN error flag bit.


#define linINVALID_HANDLE   ((LinHandle)(-1))

Invalid LIN handle

Typedef Documentation

◆ LinHandle

typedef int LinHandle

LIN handle