Optimizing Wireless Performance

As in any radio-based system, careful consideration for environmental factors can have a meaningful impact on performance. Here are some tips to ensure more stable, reliable wireless transmission. These aren’t hard rules, but rather suggestions that could improve signal strength.

Minimize distance and keep line-of-sight
As with any wireless communication, the shorter the range, the stronger the signal. Ensuring that no objects are between the devices also guarantees that the signal will not be weakened from attempting to pass through the obstructive object.

Align units with each other
For best results, ensure the devices are mounted parallel to each other so that both devices are vertical, with their front (the side with LEDs) are facing.

Keep units away from walls
Structures, such as walls, can possibly reflect the signal which can cause interference. The impact is dependent on the type of wall and distance from it.

Optimize Kvaser Air Bridge unit heights
Like walls, floors and ceilings can also cause disruptive reflected signals. Not having the devices close to the floor or ceiling may improve signal.

Reduce interference from other emitters
While other 2.4GHz wireless devices shouldn’t normally interfere with the Kvaser Air Bridge thanks to our proprietary wireless protocol, if you have doubts you can try temporarily turning off other devices or moving the the Air Bridge units further away from the competing transmitter. Wi-Fi hotspots, for example, can be configured to transmit on the 5 GHz band.

Communication Optimization Quiz

Please sign up for the course before taking this quiz.
  1. 1. Placing the Air Bridge near large solid objects like a wall may…

  2. 2. The ____ the range, the ___ the signal.

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