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** This software is furnished as Redistributable under the Kvaser Software Licence
** Description:
** This examples shows how to configure a remote device It is a console mode
** program that can scan for available networks, configure a local (USB)
** device, and use the new configuration to establish a connection to WLAN.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "canlib.h"
#include "kvrlib.h"
// List all connected devices
void listDevices (void)
int i;
canStatus stat = canOK;
char name[100];
int channel_count = 0;
unsigned int channel_on_card = 0;
printf("First argument must be a channel!\n\n");
printf("Channel\t Name\n");
for (i = 0; (stat == canOK) && (i < channel_count); i++) {
name[0] = '\0';
stat = canGetChannelData(i, canCHANNELDATA_DEVDESCR_ASCII, name, sizeof(name));
if (stat != canOK) {
printf("canGetChannelData(canCHANNELDATA_DEVDESCR_ASCII) failed.\n");
stat = canGetChannelData(i, canCHANNELDATA_CHAN_NO_ON_CARD, &channel_on_card, sizeof(channel_on_card));
if (stat != canOK) {
printf("canGetChannelData(canCHANNELDATA_CHAN_NO_ON_CARD) failed.\n");
printf("%d\t %s (Channel %u)\n", i, name, channel_on_card);
// Can we configure the device on this channel without password?
int isPasswordFree (unsigned int channelNumber)
kvrStatus status;
status = kvrConfigOpen(channelNumber, kvrConfigMode_R, "", &handle);
if (status != kvrOK) {
printf("Failed to open configuration with empty password on channel %u\n", channelNumber);
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
// Wait until device appears (or timout occurs)
// Returns 0 if successful
int waitForDevice(unsigned int ean_hi, unsigned int ean_lo, unsigned int serial,
int timeout_in_ms)
unsigned long time_start;
canStatus stat;
printf("\nWaiting for device with EAN %08x%08x, and serial %u\n", ean_hi, ean_lo, serial);
time_start = GetTickCount();
do {
int channel_count;
DWORD tmp_serial[2];
unsigned long tmp_ean[2];
int channel;
stat = canGetNumberOfChannels(&channel_count);
if (stat != canOK) {
printf("canGetNumberOfChannels() failed.\n");
return -1;
for (channel=0; channel<channel_count; channel++) {
stat = canGetChannelData(channel, canCHANNELDATA_CARD_UPC_NO, tmp_ean, sizeof(tmp_ean));
if (stat != canOK) {
printf("canGetChannelData(canCHANNELDATA_CARD_UPC_NO) failed.\n");
return -2;
stat = canGetChannelData(channel, canCHANNELDATA_CARD_SERIAL_NO, tmp_serial, sizeof(tmp_serial));
if (stat != canOK) {
printf("canGetChannelData(canCHANNELDATA_CARD_SERIAL_NO) failed.\n");
return -3;
//printf("%08x%08x %d\n", tmp_ean[1], tmp_ean[0], tmp_serial[0]);
if (ean_hi == tmp_ean[1] && ean_lo == tmp_ean[0] && serial == tmp_serial[0]) {
return 0; // Found!
printf("Try again...\n");
} while (GetTickCount() < (time_start + timeout_in_ms));
printf("Device did not appear within given timeout\n\n");
return -4;
// Can we configure the device on this channel (i.e. no-one else is using it)?
int isAvailibleForConfig (unsigned int canlib_channel, const char *password)
canHandle hnd;
canStatus stat;
DWORD bus_type;
DWORD serial[2];
DWORD tmp_serial[2];
unsigned long ean[2];
unsigned long tmp_ean[2];
int chan_no;
int tmp_chan;
kvrConfigHandle cfg_hnd;
hnd = canOpenChannel(canlib_channel, canOPEN_EXCLUSIVE);
if (hnd < 0) {
printf("Channel %u can not be opened exclusively.\n", canlib_channel);
return 0;
stat = canIoCtl(hnd, canIOCTL_GET_BUS_TYPE, &bus_type, sizeof(bus_type));
if (stat) {
printf("ERROR: failed to get bustype %d\n", stat);
return 0;
if (bus_type != kvBUSTYPE_GROUP_LOCAL) {
printf("Channel is not local (bus type:%lu).\n", bus_type);
return 0;
// check all channels on a given device
canGetChannelData(canlib_channel, canCHANNELDATA_CARD_UPC_NO, ean, sizeof(ean));
canGetChannelData(canlib_channel, canCHANNELDATA_CARD_SERIAL_NO, serial, sizeof(serial));
canGetChannelData(canlib_channel, canCHANNELDATA_CHAN_NO_ON_CARD, &chan_no, sizeof(chan_no));
tmp_chan = canlib_channel - chan_no;
while (1) {
if (hnd < 0) {
printf("Channel %d (same device as channel %u) can not be opened exclusively.\n", tmp_chan, canlib_channel);
return 0;
canGetChannelData(tmp_chan, canCHANNELDATA_CARD_UPC_NO, tmp_ean, sizeof(tmp_ean));
stat = canGetChannelData(tmp_chan, canCHANNELDATA_CARD_SERIAL_NO, tmp_serial, sizeof(tmp_serial));
if (tmp_ean[0] != ean[0] || tmp_ean[1] != ean[1] ||
tmp_serial[0] != serial[0] || tmp_serial[1] != serial[1]) {
if (isPasswordFree(canlib_channel)) {
printf("No password is needed for configuring channel %u\n", canlib_channel);
// This test will remove the device from Kvaser Hardware
stat = kvrConfigOpen(canlib_channel, kvrConfigMode_RW, "", &cfg_hnd);
if (stat != kvrOK) {
printf("Failed to open configuration with empty password on channel %u\n", canlib_channel);
return 0;
} else {
// Wait for the device to reappear in Kvaser Hardware
return 0 == waitForDevice(ean[1], ean[0], serial[0], 10000); // 10s timeout;
} else {
printf("Password is needed for configuring channel %u\n", canlib_channel);
// This test will remove the device from Kvaser Hardware
stat = kvrConfigOpen(canlib_channel, kvrConfigMode_RW, password, &cfg_hnd);
if (stat != kvrOK) {
printf("Failed to open configuration with supplied password '%s' on channel %u\n", password, canlib_channel);
return 0;
} else {
// Wait for the device to reappear in Kvaser Hardware
return 0 == waitForDevice(ean[1], ean[0], serial[0], 10000); // 10s timeout;
return 1;
// Scan for available networks and print some information about them
kvrStatus doScanNetworks (kvrConfigHandle handle)
kvrStatus status;
kvrStatus stat;
int32_t active = 0; // is a passive scan
int32_t bss_type = kvrBss_ANY; // infrastructure and adhoc
int32_t domain = kvrRegulatoryDomain_WORLD;
char ssid[40];
char securityString[200];
int32_t rssi;
int32_t channel;
uint32_t capability;
uint32_t type_wpa;
status = kvrWlanStartScan(handle, active, bss_type, domain);
if (status != kvrOK) {
printf("Could not start scan (%d)\n", status);
return status;
do {
status = kvrWlanGetScanResults(handle, &rssi, &channel, &mac, &bss_type,
ssid, &capability, &type_wpa,
&wpa_info, &rsn_info );
if (status == kvrOK) {
printf("- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n");
printf("SSID: %s\n", ssid);
printf("RSSI: %d dBm\n", rssi);
printf("WLAN Channel: %d\n", channel);
printf("MAC address: %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X\n",
mac.address[0], mac.address[1], mac.address[2],
mac.address[3], mac.address[4], mac.address[5] );
printf("BSS type: %d\n", bss_type);
printf("Capabilities: 0x%04x\n", capability);
// Convert to string
stat = kvrWlanGetSecurityText(securityString, sizeof(securityString),
capability, type_wpa, &wpa_info, &rsn_info);
if (stat == kvrERR_PARAMETER) {
printf(": %s\n", securityString);
} while ((status == kvrOK) || (status == kvrERR_NO_ANSWER));
// kvrERR_BLANK => no more networks => OK
return (status == kvrERR_BLANK ? kvrOK : status);
// Configure a device
kvrStatus doConfigure (kvrConfigHandle handle)
kvrStatus status;
char new_xml_config[4096];
char old_xml_config[4096];
char xml_error[2048];
// Save the old configuration
status = kvrConfigGet(handle, old_xml_config, sizeof(old_xml_config));
if (status != kvrOK) {
printf("Could not read configuration from device (%d)\n", status);
return status;
printf("Old configuration: %s\n", old_xml_config);
// Adjust settings in XML file based on data from doScanNetworks()
// ...
memcpy(new_xml_config, old_xml_config, sizeof(old_xml_config));
// Check that the new configuration is valid
memset(xml_error, 0, sizeof(xml_error));
status = kvrConfigVerifyXml(new_xml_config, xml_error, sizeof(xml_error));
if (status != kvrOK) {
printf("The XML configuration is not valid (%d):\n%s\n",
status, xml_error);
return status;
// Download new configuration
status = kvrConfigSet(handle, old_xml_config);
if (status != kvrOK) {
printf("Could not write configuration to device (%d)\n", status);
return status;
return status;
// Test the connection with the new configuration.
kvrStatus doTryConfiguration (kvrConfigHandle handle, int seconds)
kvrStatus status;
kvrAddress address;
kvrAddress netmask;
kvrAddress gateway;
int32_t dhcp;
int32_t state;
int32_t tx_rate;
int32_t rx_rate;
int32_t channel;
int32_t rssi_mean;
int32_t tx_power;
kvrRssiHistory rssi[14] = {0};
kvrRttHistory rtt[14] = {0};
int rtt_len = sizeof(rtt) / sizeof(kvrRttHistory);
int rssi_len = sizeof(rssi) / sizeof(kvrRssiHistory);
int rtt_actual;
int rssi_actual;
// connection test. 1 = activate ping
status = kvrNetworkConnectionTest(handle, 1);
if (status != kvrOK) {
printf("Could not start ping(%d)\n", status);
return status;
do {
// Ask for RSSI and RTT so that we get updated
// values when calling kvrNetworkGetConnectionStatus()
status = kvrNetworkGetRssiRtt(handle, rssi, rssi_len, &rssi_actual,
rtt, rtt_len, &rtt_actual);
if (status != kvrOK) {
printf("Could not get RSSI / RTT (%d)\n", status);
status = kvrNetworkGetConnectionStatus(handle, &state, &tx_rate, &rx_rate,
&channel, &rssi_mean, &tx_power);
if (status != kvrOK) {
printf("Could not get status (%d)\n", status);
printf("- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n");
printf("Connection state: %d\n", state);
printf("Transmit rate: %d kbit/s\n", tx_rate);
printf("Receive rate: %d kbit/s\n", rx_rate);
printf("Channel: %d\n", channel);
printf("Receive Signal Strength Indicator: %d dBm\n", rssi_mean);
printf("Transmit power level: %d dB\n", tx_power);
} while (--seconds > 0);
// connection test. 0 = deactivate ping
status = kvrNetworkConnectionTest(handle, 0);
if (status != kvrOK) {
printf("Could not stop ping(%d)\n", status);
return status;
status = kvrNetworkGetAddressInfo(handle, &address, &mac, &netmask, &gateway, &dhcp);
if (status != kvrOK) {
printf("Could not get IP info(%d)\n", status);
return status;
// Assume IP v.4, i.e. address/netmask/gateway.type is kvrAddressType_IPV4
printf("- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n");
printf("DHCP: %s\n", dhcp ? "ON" : "OFF");
printf("MAC address: %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X\n",
mac.address[0], mac.address[1], mac.address[2],
mac.address[3], mac.address[4], mac.address[5] );
printf("IP Address: %d.%d.%d.%d\n", address.address[0], address.address[1],
address.address[2], address.address[3]);
printf("Netmask: %d.%d.%d.%d\n", netmask.address[0], netmask.address[1],
netmask.address[2], netmask.address[3]);
printf("Gateway: %d.%d.%d.%d\n", gateway.address[0], gateway.address[1],
gateway.address[2], gateway.address[3]);
return status;
// Scan for available networks, configure a local (USB) device, and use the new
// configuration to establish a connection to WLAN.
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
char *password = ""; //"Secret";
kvrStatus status;
int canlib_channel;
DWORD serial[2];
unsigned long ean[2];
// Initialize kvrlib
switch (argc) {
case 1:
return 0;
case 2:
canlib_channel = argv[1][0] - '0';
return -1;
canGetChannelData(canlib_channel, canCHANNELDATA_CARD_UPC_NO, ean, sizeof(ean));
canGetChannelData(canlib_channel, canCHANNELDATA_CARD_SERIAL_NO, serial, sizeof(serial));
// Check configuration status
// Can we configure the device?
if (isAvailibleForConfig (canlib_channel, password)) {
printf("Channel %d is availible for configuration\n", canlib_channel);
} else {
printf("Channel %d can not be opened for configuration.\n", canlib_channel);
return -1;
// Start configuration - read only
status = kvrConfigOpen(canlib_channel, kvrConfigMode_R, password, &handle);
if (status != kvrOK) {
printf("Could not start config (%d)\n", status);
return status;
// List available networks. This information could be
// helpful when creating the XML configuration.
status = doScanNetworks(handle);
if (status != kvrOK) {
printf("Scan networks failed (%d)\n", status);
return status;
// Start configuration - read/write
status = kvrConfigOpen(canlib_channel, kvrConfigMode_RW, password, &handle);
if (status != kvrOK) {
printf("Could not start config (%d)\n", status);
return status;
// Configure the device by writing the new XML configuration
status = doConfigure(handle);
if (status != kvrOK) {
printf("Could not write new configuration (%d)\n", status);
return status;
// Done!
// Wait for reboot
if (waitForDevice(ean[1], ean[0], serial[0], 10000) != 0) { //10s timeout
printf("waitForDevice() failed.\n");
return -1;
// Start configuration - read only
status = kvrConfigOpen(canlib_channel, kvrConfigMode_R, password, &handle);
if (status != kvrOK) {
printf("Could not start config (%d)\n", status);
return status;
// Test the new configuration for 5 s
status = doTryConfiguration(handle, 5);
if (status != kvrOK) {
printf("doTryConfiguration failed (%d)\n", status);
return status;
return 0;